Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The OfferMe Community: 'Tis the Season for Group Buy

Nadim Sharbean gets ready for Christmas with OfferMe and Group Buy


Don't Ba-Humbug Group Buy Christmas Shopping...

Sure, here at OfferMe we've been doing a lot of talking about Christmas Shopping with Group Buy. The truth is, we see it as a way to ensure you have a great Christmas. Think about it this way: it's December; your entire family is coming over for Christmas lunch; your boss has decided to forgo any Christmas bonuses because, let's face it, we're still in an Economic Crisis; there are no parking spots available anywhere at the local Westfields; and, if you don't get started on your Christmas gift buying, someone's going to think Santa missed them. If that scenario rings true for you, you need to listen to what we're saying.

Everyday a new Group Buy deal will be sent your way. If it's something that you believe would make a great present, jump on and book yours. That's one less gift to go hunting for and you'll be getting it at a great price. And, whilst we can't help with Christmas dinner, by making your purchases this early, you'll still have extra cash come December.

So may be you can bring in a caterer!


The OfferMe Business Model...

Most of you have probably checked out an OfferMe Group Buy deal and said, “Hmmm... I don't know if that's really what I'm looking for.” Fair enough. We're not all Elton John's throwing cash away on anything we see. To be wary is to be wise. Yet the question that I get asked the most at OfferMe is “How do you guys get ahead?”

I won't lie, we make cash on sales. But our business model is built to prevent the buyers from paying that cash. Essentially what we do is charge our sellers a nominal fee for selling on our site, as we handle all the advertising on their behalf. For our buyers they still win because the seller has to keep the price at a low rate to compete. In the end, it's the proverbial win-win for everyone involved.

As we don't have a direct vested interest in the sales, we remain an impartial third-party to all deals. If you query the features of an item, ask us, we'll give you an honest answer... we've got nothing to lose. If you're having an issue with a seller, tell us. We'll do our best to resolve the issue or, should the seller really be at fault, we'll remove them from our site. In the end, we exist to work on your behalf. Your satisfaction results in our growth. So tell us what we can do to make sure you stay satisfied.


Group Buy really works...

Most marketing people (of which I claim not to be) rarely use what they're hawking. All talk and no show. So I thought it would be worthwhile to tell you about my own Group Buy experience.

About 4 weeks ago, through OfferMe's Group Buy I purchased the Latest Monster HDMI Cable. The week prior I had made a sound deal on a WD HD Media Hub. Although a brilliant device, I knew I wouldn't get full use out of it unless I had a quality HDMI Cable to go with it. When the deal went live I did a little research and found that, while most companies weren't selling the same cable at the $299 RRP, it was generally selling over $100. At OfferMe, due to it being part of a Group Buy, the cable was only $35, plus $7 in shipping & handling. For me, it was a no-brainer. Of course, the second I told my mates about it, one of them wanted one too and I had to fork out another $42.

It took a little over a week for the cable to arrive and, I'll admit it, the wait seemed FOREVER. But in hindsight it wasn't that long when compared to the wait for some of my other internet purchases. The second it arrived I had it plugged into the Hub and man, what a difference it's made. Watching downloaded HD media is like watching One HD: crystal clear with perfect sound to match. My mate used his for his PlayStation 3 and he testifies that the picture has improved compared to the cable they gave him with the console.

Due to this feedback OfferMe's BDM, Erick Teresa, is looking to put the cable in Group Buy again. He's also discussing more deals with the same supplier. Feedback like this helps us know who's reliable and who we probably shouldn't deal with anymore. Considering we have more of a vested interest in our buyers than our sellers, we listen to you to do our research. So, if you've made a Group Buy purchase, make sure you give us some feedback. It's easy; when you're signed into your account, click on the item you've bought and look for the Feedback link in the drop down menu on the right. Then say a few words about your purchase and click Done.

Like I said earlier, we're all about buyer's satisfaction.

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